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Soonly there, the FlashNet information page comes back! ;-)
'Traveler's area': 3
See your IP here: Ingress

Linux is not the answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is the question . . .
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO . . .

Ingress Global Control
# ...
wget Flash.Berlin:
In the Shaper War, the grand battle for Global Control, one faction will stand, one faction will fall. Which will yours be? both!;)
And the rabbit says: Code is everything! A.L.L :p

I'm a Guy and I made this. At this moment there is 
only a linkpage i want to share.
Leave the dark side.
Be in touch!NOPE!
This is a test-page on an embedded device through And it works! Data about access is collected. At the moment there are only a few bots coming. *rylps*

Let's begin!:)
