Updates zu Audioplayer, Relay nun online...Updates zu Audioplayer, Relay nun online...
Mein KDE - Desktop - QuadcoreDieser "Modus" wird mitlerweile nicht mehr gepflegt.
--> Gerade noch fertig geworden. :-)
KDE - Desktop - Quadcore After a changed configuration. (My is obsoleet now..., but nearly finished.)
I noticed, that i cannot find the feature for adding persisting pictures. :(
That *was* nice. *rhh* :)
KDE - Desktop - Quadcore After a changed configuration. (My is obsoleet now..., but nearly finished.)
I noticed, that i cannot find the feature for adding persisting pictures. :(
That *was* nice. *rhh* :)
KDE - Desktop - Quadcore I've finished the Desktop Environment changes.
It looks pretty nice. Also all applications are fast reachable. ; )
Flogger.sh ScriptFlogger.sh Script
Gentoo Logo - Transparency.Gentoo Logo - Transparency.