*NOT*Facebook again! : Projekt 2023/24 Codename: Solar Sonic Adventures Eingereicht von Admin am Friday, 01 September 2023 (16:52:39) CEST (705 gelesen)
This autumn the Year 2023, we concentrate all our Systems on making the famous "Solar Beam" better.
We have two Projects called: "Solar Sonic Adventures" on the MPC.Also we have three Bassmaking Project's. At last there is no plan to change anything on the "old" tracks up to now and until 2024.
Maybe 2024 get's more melodious and pumpkin'
Thank's to David, Jeannie & Brigitte.We don't waste time to shortening the process, - overally there are dig Time requests on the wrong place. Nobody should train himself to an Artificial Music Manufacture
Also, - new - this year in the feed we thank all our Interwebz for being useful, even - so called "stronger" than ever evolving new human people to be acceded for the still young, but strong human kind, giving their natural range exposure to be succeed, but not aside like in Civil War Ages where God couldn't help US.
Thanks, we do the best to inform you about no problematique, about to lease onfeed.it-flash.de
Certificate errors on the platform are known but not critical so you make your own decisions.
IT Flash & SHM Freetime Radio is back for the winter => We believe in Future! Eingereicht von Admin am Friday, 04 August 2023 (19:11:41) CEST (1045 gelesen)
Now we frost into autumn and winter up to the next year with Freetime Radio by Delphinlab Crew!
Ziggy X Bassdusche!
it-flash.de - Störungen Eingereicht von S0lfunk am Thursday, 25 May 2023 (19:32:50) CEST (1058 gelesen)
Für Nutzer des webmail.it-flash.de ,
Nein, wir haben kein Corona, ich kämpfe noch mit den passenden SSL Zertifikaten.
Daher kann die Seite ab und an mal offline sein, bzw. ich rate den Mail Usern erstmal abzuwarten, Neuigkeiten gibt es hier.
Punkte: 0
Temperature / it-flash.de / Server Eingereicht von S0lfunk am Sunday, 21 May 2023 (16:55:19) CEST (1162 gelesen)
Punkte: 0
Station UP / Workstation / it-flash.de Eingereicht von Admin am Sunday, 21 May 2023 (16:42:52) CEST (1000 gelesen)
Punkte: 0
Traffic / it-flash.de / Falkenstein / Datacenter Eingereicht von Admin am Sunday, 21 May 2023 (16:39:47) CEST (1198 gelesen)
Punkte: 0
Traffic / It-flash.de / Falkenstein Rechenzentrum Eingereicht von Admin am Sunday, 21 May 2023 (16:38:25) CEST (1457 gelesen)
Punkte: 0
Track Rotation / Main INFO Webpage Eingereicht von S0lfunk am Saturday, 20 May 2023 (23:51:04) CEST (1679 gelesen)
The mainpage (www2.it-flash.de) got an Update. Also there are about ten Tracks in the Player Rotation for now.